Secure Conference Texting

Secure Conference Texting

  • APP : Secure Conference Texting 2.0
  • Лицензия : Shareware
  • OS : Windows
  • Разработчик : Progwhiz

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Secure Conference Texting

Secure Conference TextingThe Progwhiz Chat Application comprises of a Client
& Server App. The Client App iOS/Android/Windows
is free, the corresponding server is Windows based
and is free to try for One(1) month.
The solution encompasses the following components:

Progwhiz Secure Conferencing Server
Purchase Secure Chat Server

Progwhiz Secure Chat Client

Client Features

Propietary 512bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL v4)
512bit encryption
Multi-colour messages to ease differntiating between participants
Robust and fault tolerant network persistent communication

Server Features

Propietary 512bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL v4)
User Management Disconnect user/users
Restrict connection IP’s
Ability to broadcast messages
Restrict user access per conference room

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